Saturday, May 28, 2016

Different signs of can@cer...

Below are listed some common but often neglected signs of cancer: 1. Regular coughing- Lungs cancer: Lungs cancer is diagnosed only after it is at a very damages state. In some people signs are seen in the beginning. You should visit the doctor really fast if you have regular coughing and severe chest ache after it because it might be cancer. Pain while taking deep breaths can be a sign of cancer. 2. Change in color of warts: Skin cancer Skin cancer is considered with the most dangerous in Milano. This cancer can happen in any part of the body. But people normally see the signs on their arms, legs and face. Sudden change in color, size and itching or pain in wart is a sign if skin cancer. 3. Blood in Stool- Intestinal cancer: Blood in stool is a sign of intestinal cancer. Other signs of it are hard and small stool which take long time. These are the signs that your small intestine is being infected by cancer. It is a very dangerous sign to bleed or have severe pain while excreting. 4. Incurable wound in mouth- Different kinds of cancer: According to American Cancer Cure Center, small wounds in mouth which are incurable are signs of mouth cancer. Small or big wounds appear in mouth after mouth cancer, even though they do not hurt, they can not be cured for a long period of time. 5. Difficulty in swallowing- Food Pipe Cancer: If you neck hurts while swallowing food or spit then it is a sign of cancer. It is better to consult a doctor if it continues for a long period of time. Be sure that it is a sign of cancer of this persist and you lose wight drastically. 6. Sudden weight loss- Different kinds of cancer: The most common sign pf cancer is sudden and drastic weight loss. According to American Cancer Care Center, it might be a sign of cancer if there is no reasonable cause being weight loss. 7. Blood in urine: Prostate cancer: Blood in urine, burning and pain while urinating is a sign on cancer. It is a sign that you have prostate cancer if it hurts and you urinate very less. 8. Blood in urine and stool- Anal cancer: Seeing blood in urine and stool is very dangerous and is a sign of cancer. Cancer on it’s own is dangerous but people with anal cancer live very less. Seeing blood in stool usually means cancer of small intestine or anal cancer.


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