Saturday, May 28, 2016


The nonspecific components act either as barriers or as eliminators of wide range of pathogens irrespective of antigenic specificity. Other components of the immune system adapt themselves to each new disease encountered and are able to generate pathogen-specific immunityThe basic premise for the division of the immune system into innate and adaptive components comes down to the innate system being composed of primitive bone marrow cells that are programmed to recognise foreign substances and react, versus the adaptive system being composed of more advanced lymphatic cells that are programmed to recognise self substances and don't react. The reaction to foreign substances is etymologically described as inflammation, meaning to set on fire, while the non-reaction to self substances is etymologically described as immunity, meaning to exempt. The interaction of these two components of the immune system creates a dynamic biological environment where "Health" can be seen as an active physical state where what is self is immunologically spared, and what is foreign is inflammatorily and immunologically eliminated. Extending this concept, "Disease" then can arise when what is foreign cannot be eliminated, or what is self is not spInnate immunity, or nonspecific immunity, is the natural resistances with which a person is born. It provides resistances through several physical, chemical and cellular approaches. Microbes first encounter the epithelial layers, physical barriers that line skin and mucous membranes. Subsequent general defences include secreted chemical signals (cytokines), antimicrobial substances, fever, and phagocytic activity associated with the inflammatory responses. The phagocytes express cell surface receptors that can bind and respond to common molecular patterns expressed on the surface of invading microbes. Through these approaches, innate immunity can prevent the colonization, entry and spread of microbes.


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