Thursday, May 19, 2016

Incredible moment rock python devours entire baby Impala

A rock python was filmed eating an entire Impala as the mother watches on unable to help at Marakele National Park in South Africa Heartbroken mother can only look on as baby impala is swallowed whole by a giant python Giant African rock python caught on camera eating a baby impala Reptile seen swallowing calf whole in front of its distressed mother Snake's dinner party took place in Marakele National Park, South Africa This is the moment a giant African rock python devours a baby impala in front of its helpless mother in South Africa. The python can be seen squeezing the last light of life out of the calf before unlocking its jaws and swallowing it whole, while its mother cries out in distress. The incredible footage was captured by wildlife guide Michelle Sole at the Marakele National Park in South Africa last month. Ms Sole said she heard the cries of the mother impala and her herd, and came across the rare sight of the python enjoying its meal. Ms Sole said: 'We noticed the herd were staring at the ground and when we got closer we found a small, motionless impala with a four metre rock python wrapped around its fragile body.


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