Saturday, May 14, 2016

Terrifying footage captures an engineer falls through glass ceiling and plummets 40 feet

Phani Guthula has persevered through a considerable measure of torment since his close lethal mischance in Philadelphia's Rodin Museum a couple of years back. Presently, his legal counselors have figured out how to arrange a sizeable settlement to pad his frightful fall. On November 26, 2012, Guthula was directing a vitality review of the working as a designer for ICF International. The Rodin had quite recently experienced significant redesigns at the time. A security monitor permitted him access to a glass-framed floor segment of the exhibition hall to investigate the light installations in the upper room zone. Be that as it may, as he was doing as such, the floor gave way, and the 27-year-old wound up falling 38 feet down to the ground. As can be found in an exhibition hall observation video of the occurrence, Guthula practically arrives on top of a model. The fall left Guthula with breaks to his femur, hip, pelvis, rib, and elbow, also other traumatic wounds. He was hospitalized for 45 days and still experiences issues strolling. On May 10, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and AlliedBarton Security Services came to a $7.25 million dollar settlement with Guthula's lawyers as an aftereffect of the mischance.


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