Monday, June 6, 2016

Varanasi barber cutting hair holding scissors in his mouth

Nowadays heaps of individuals are pulled in to compose their name in Guinness book of world record and we have seen different recordings as of now who were succeed to compose their name of the record and here is the another video where we can see an astonishing ability of a man This video is around a hairdresser who trims the hair holding the scissors in his mouth. We see astounding specialties of individuals and this is likewise one of the craftsmanship which we can once in a while see. It is difficult to trust the actuality until we see such exceptional ability and here is the video about Ansar Ahmad and he is a hair stylist from Jagatganj in Varanasi. He has an astonishing ability, stylist frequently charming the hair with the scissors holding in the hand however here in this video you can see a man holding a scissor on a mouth and cleaving the hair of individuals. He tells that he is not doing anything new simply the distinction is he trims the hair with scissor holding in a mouth though different holds in a hand. Presently he is taking his ability to new level as he is asserting to compose his name on the Guinness Book of Records and he will give free hair style for whatever length of time that 25 hours in a stretch. He told that he is been doing this since 2008 after he met a minor @cc!dent.


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